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The Christmas markets (Domäne Dahlem II)


Obviously, as much as the non-food delights captivated me, the food was what really got me excited. The first thing I saw when I walked in were the pillowy mounds of goat cheese pictured above, made from unpasteurized raw goat's milk at the Schleusenhof Regow. Just firm outside, with a tangy, melting interior, it made the perfect after-market appetizer later that evening.

While I normally like to focus on one thing, I feel reduced to paratax again, the 'and and and' of too much excitement. So, here a summary:


Scrumptious Christmas cookies from the Kreuzberger Brotgarten, all handmade from freshly ground organic wholegrains.


As we stood in front of this stall, a man walking past looked at the sign and commented to no-one 'One has so many reservations about eating horse.'


I was impressed by the homemade display of tiny schnapps bottles, each for one euro, with elderberry, sour cherry, and – my pick – quince schnapps, to be made into desserts that would no doubt dismay the stall owner with their creamy frivolity.


So far I've only seen such steamy display cases of fruit-filled yeast dumplings at fairs – one of my favourite treats.


Unremarkable but picturesque walnuts.


The Ausschank offered mulled wine, cold drinks and hot meals.


I never knew there were so many kinds of marzipan or nougat! (See their website for close-ups.)

Domäne Dahlem Adventsmarkt, December 9th-10th & 16th-17th from 11 am-7 pm. Admission is 1 EUR for adults, 0.50 EUR for reductions, and free for children. (map)


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