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It's nice to have friends to knock me out of my rut. I was excited when Max suggested meeting at the S-Bahnhof Bellvue and going to a nearby restaurant he knew there: I've never eaten around Bellvue. That this place made their own beer and bread made it even more promising.

The brick arches of the interior and the low lighting, warm against the rainy evening, were inviting, as was the friendly waitress who directed us to the blackboard that listed the day's specials. Soup, a cheese plate, vegetable crepes, a Zanderfilet and an organic water buffalo steak BĂ©arnaise were on the menu, along with a Brotzeit plate.

When I first came to Germany, I was intrigued by the concept of Brotzeit or Abendbrot, literally "bread time" or "evening bread". Both words stem from southern Germany and indicate the simple once-traditional evening meal of dark German breads paired with cheese and cold cuts or sausages.
I usually like my suppers warm, but Brotzeit appealed to both Max and me, so we ordered a dish to share alongside our Winter Bock (a dark lager) and Hefeweizen (a wheat beer).

The Bock and the Hefeweizen were two of the homebrewed beers on the menu; a Pilsener and a stout were also on offer. The beers were delicious, and the Brotzeit's usual (very good) components were spiced up with a scattering of stuffed green olives and plump caper berries, a tangy bell pepper salad, a mound of alfalfa sprouts along with a few skewers of cornichons and pickled onions. On my mental to-do list now is to go back in the summer and eat in the attached courtyard Max told me about.

BrewBaker, S-Bahnbogen 415, Felnsburger Str. (map)
Tel. + 49 30 399 051 56 (Reservations weren't necessary today, but might be a good idea at the weekend.)
Open Mo-Fr 10 am to at least 11 pm, Sa-Sun 4 pm to at least 11 pm


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