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Breakfast yogurt berry cake


I told David I'd made breakfast berry bread because I liked the ring of it, but the internet holds me to other standards and I will confess here that in fact it is cake, if a mildly sweet one quite suited to breakfast. Its base - the yogurt cake - is the first recipe I ever made from a food blog, shortly after discovering Chocolate & Zucchini via Vinography. This morning, the two tubs of yogurt languishing in the fridge plus forest berries in the freezer made this recipe a shoo-in. (The Waldbeeren you can buy here - red currants, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries - provided the perfect bracing tartness.)

I followed the original to the t, really, though to draw out the bustling domesticity I did first beat the eggs, then add the sugar, then the yogurt, then the oil, vanilla extract and the lemon zest (which I substituted for the rum). This turned out well, but mixing up everything at once is quite certainly just as effective. Fold in a generous cupful of frozen berries at the end and you're done.


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