Squash galore! Loyal readers will remember my elation on discovering the Christmas market at Domäne Dahlem. These scenes from the Erntefest make clear, I think, that this harvest festival was just as delightful.
Inked into my calendar is Domäne Dahlem's Textilhandwerksmarkt on November 10th & 11th, which will bring together over forty fabric artists from all of Germany: spinners and weavers will share space with carpet-makers, felters, and dyers, and indigo and batik cloths will be on display. The textiles fair concides with St Martin's Day; accordingly, goose is on the menu and a parade with lanterns is planned for the late afternoon. Another round of photos to follow...
Domäne Dahlem, Königin-Luise-Straße 49 (map)
I spot a freaky squash!
Posted by: tommy | 19 October 2007 at 01:36 PM
Oh, they were like swans!
Posted by: Berlin Reified | 01 November 2007 at 12:36 PM