At this time of year, there is no better place to enjoy autumn's elegaic atmosphere than the Grunewald. Around the lake, people appear newly bulky in their winter coats, while dogs frolic wildly along the water in packs of five. After a turn around the lake, you're hungry, and there's the somewhat grand, somewhat kitschy Forsthaus Paulsborn just waiting for you with its array of cakes and fall specials.
As you walk back to the bus stop, a few leaves falls from an oak.
these are beautiful pictures and your writing sets the mood and takes me there.
do you have a dog? if you do, he must like to travel.
Posted by: j | 01 November 2007 at 05:46 PM
I love how the thinning leaves create a slightly sweeping sense of place and yet the view is hemmed in by the fuzzy borders of yellow/red/green/brown leaves in the background. I was there two weekends ago and these pictures capture the atmosphere well. But it also brings me back to the thick layer of cold autumn air which my coat did little to ward off!
Posted by: yvonne | 02 November 2007 at 09:00 AM
Great shots!! Thanks for sharing them. :)
Posted by: Sabine | 03 November 2007 at 12:40 PM
You guys are too sweet!
J, I don't have a dog, but watching the hordes of terriers, spaniels and retrievers romping around made me wish I did...
Yvonne, how funny that you were there recently! We'll have to meet up for a Sunday walk sometime.
Thanks, Sabine - you see, I'm getting closer to Dahlem!
Posted by: Berlin Reified | 04 November 2007 at 08:28 PM
Nice picts and post. I read a similar article on -
Best Regards
Posted by: Claudia | 11 November 2009 at 10:09 PM