Edible gifts 2: Coffee & peppermint truffles
After dinner the other night, Thorsten brought out his booty from a trip to Brussels, and I thought again about how much I appreciated truffles' creamy dense sweetness. Earlier that evening Dilek had spooned a generous amount of dried peppermint leaves -- booty from her mother's garden -- into an old jam jar for me to take home. On the S-Bahn back, the wheels began turning...
You'll remember how much I enjoy making edible gifts, and nothing during my browse through the market struck my fancy, so with two invitations on the horizon I thought truffles were the simplest solution. I had grand plans for a quartet of flavors -- a lavender-infused cream, a peppermint-studded finish, another cream steeped in masala chai, and cinnamon coffee -- but in the event all of a sudden it was almost nine on a Saturday night and I had to get my ganache on the go, so my plans were reduced to a duo.
I did it on the fly, flavoring half the batch with a few tablespoons of peppermint liqueur (booty from the l'herbier de Milly stand at Salon Saveurs), and the other with two tablespoons of instant (!) coffee dissolved in the cream. And on Sunday morning I spent a soothing hour forming my truffles, rolling the little globes into turbino sugar/peppermint leaves or cocoa powder/cinnamon, and then we were off!
I used 500 ml of cream (Schlagsahne), 500 grams of 60% dark chocolate (blitzed to rubble in the food processor), and a total of 100 grams of butter (50 grams per batch); for the technique, see Clothide and Green & Black's.
Note: Though the turbino sugar looked nice just after rolling, the truffles ended up sweating a bit, so I think I'll mix the peppermint leaves with cocoa powder for the next batch.