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Dumplings for a happy life (Leo Bettini)


You'll know what a sucker I am for dumplings of all persuasions. While there's still a chill in the air I find I can't say no to a plateful of Knödel. Though reluctant to pay 8.90 for such homely fare, I had to sigh with pleasure as I sunk my fork into a succulent buttery ball of mushroom-studded goodness.

Leo Bettini, Mulackstraße 33, Berlin-Mitte (map)
Open M-Th 9.30am-6pm, F 9.30am-8pm, Sat noon-8pm (note that hot meals are only available after 12pm)
Tel. 60 50 74 49


Hi! I'm so happy that I found your blog! It's very interesting for me, cause I love Berlin and it's always exciting to find a new place where I can go for a coffe or something. I have a question... Have you any idea where are Russian food shops in this amazing city? I saw one, but unfortunatelly I can't remeber where it was. ;-(

Let me add your blog to links on my blog. ;-)

Nika, thanks for your nice message! There's actually a pretty good Russian shop on Schivelbeiner Strasse in Prenzlauer Berg, right near the corner of Schivelbeiner and Schoenhauser Allee. Is there something in particular you're looking for?

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