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Fresh garlic soufflés

Who can resist a jaunty head or two of fresh garlic? You can use them in place of normal garlic, of course, or make some fresh garlic soufflés, as EB and I did recently (or, to be fair, as EB did; I was mostly busy comforting my small, cross daughter). Lazy cooks take note: We didn't bake them twice and the soufflés were still delicious.


Good Morning to another early bird!

You might remember our correspondence a few weeks back. Anyway, Leslie put your beautiful pictures and my poem together for Balkon+Garten. I like that very much.

I have been lurking for quite a while now. It's so good to see that you're so busy with this and that.

This picture here reminded me of the garlic that is growing in the garden, apparently it protects apricot trees from disease...

Any progress on the "moving to somewhere else"-front?

Take good care and have a Happy Easter!

Jo, I was pleased that Leslie put us together too. Springtime so far has been a state of euphoria. I can't believe there's so much sunshine or that my daughter is so content in her sling as I traipse around the city. Does that mean you have apricot trees? Lucky you! We are still thinking of moving but apartment hunting is so tiring and there's always something more engaging to do, and with the city as our playground now the weather's warm I imagine a move won't seem urgent till the autumn.

Frohe Ostern!

What a beautiful picture forming here, you must love carrying her about!

There are two apricot trees (Weinbergpfirsiche), they don't carry much fruit (well a handful), but flower nicely and the birds sit in them.

I know what you mean about the spring feeling putting things into perspective...

Take care,

Lucky lucky you -- I bought two jars of Weinbergspfirsich preserves when we were visiting the Moselle Valley in 2007 and ate them within about a day of returning to Berlin.

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