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kaa handmade bags

My kaa bag looked so fetching one sunny day on Arkonaplatz that I had to take a picture. I'm not the fancy bag sort generally, and can be pretentious enough to prefer the rumpled Stabi Plastiktüte, but after dawdling before Kathrin Engelke's shop window for years I finally caved. The only problem was choosing: Markian, Valerian, Gildo? Phillipus won out in the end.

kaa Berlin, Gaudystr. 4 (map)
Open M, Tu, Th & Fr 3-6pm
Tel. (0)30 34 66 42 90


Oh, I love that you go for the Stabitüte! It's lovely to see you post so often, these tidbits of your life are really nice (if also slightly guilt inducing on my part because I've been posting so randomly lately!).

I had all these fancy ideas about improving Berlin Reified and asked a wise friend what he thought and he told me "Post more, post more, post more" and I think he was quite right: I have been trying hard to be better. I was so pleased to see you post on rhubarb and have you back in the blogging world!

Lovely handbag!


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