Going to Karl August Platz for my birthday was pure heaven. How refreshing, after braving the hordes of tourists at Kollwitzplatz and Winterfeldplatz, to arrive at a market so unselfconsciously beautiful. Locals wove through the stalls that ringed the spacious square and bought Flammkuchen and ate Quarkbällchen and helped themselves to armfuls of daisies and loitered in front of the fish stand where the pike was on special offer.
As a birthday treat I was permitted to idle as long as I chose, and I think I made six slow circuits before I felt I had looked at everything carefully enough. Afterwards we sat in the playground by the church and ate tarts and radishes while S batted at the balloon a Green Party representative had handed her: it seemed a long time since I had been that happy.
Karl August Platz Market, Berlin-Wilmersdorf (map)
Wednesdays 8am-1pm & Saturdays 8am-2pm
What a treat - happy belated birthday!
Posted by: bleistifterin | 19 June 2009 at 08:47 AM
Congratulations from me too. Sounds like you had a wonderful day. Will be in touch next week to catch up and talk more about interesting and life, love and the universe
Posted by: [email protected] | 19 June 2009 at 09:29 AM
Asta, Max -- thank you! & Max, enjoy the sunshine and I look forward to a good catch-up soon.
Posted by: Berlin Reified | 19 June 2009 at 06:28 PM