These berries are just too beautiful to be true. Will you share a favorite recipe with me?
in Süddeutschland nennt man Johannisbeeren, Träuble, daher der korrekte Namen des Kuchen, Träubleskuchen. Das Rezept ist orginal schwäbisch. Ich kann es nur empfehlen. Geht bestimmt auch mit weissen Johannisbeeren, Träuble.
just stumbled across your blog as I was researching my berlin trip next month. it's really, really lovely! you have a great eye. i suspect i will be visiting some of the places you have written about here. if you have a top 3 list of restaurants/cafes/sweet shops/etc. to share and don't mind dropping me an e-mail, that would be very much appreciated...
Gabriele, I'm writing too late, but nevertheless, belated thanks! I've got a basket of currants in my fridge now and I intend to try out your recipe this weekend.
Krista, well, as I wrote in my email, I think you can't go wrong with Sgaminegg, Kadó, and the Shy Chef.
in Süddeutschland nennt man Johannisbeeren, Träuble, daher der korrekte Namen des Kuchen, Träubleskuchen. Das Rezept ist orginal schwäbisch. Ich kann es nur empfehlen. Geht bestimmt auch mit weissen Johannisbeeren, Träuble.
Posted by: Gabriele Hoffmann | 05 August 2009 at 11:16 AM
just stumbled across your blog as I was researching my berlin trip next month. it's really, really lovely! you have a great eye. i suspect i will be visiting some of the places you have written about here. if you have a top 3 list of restaurants/cafes/sweet shops/etc. to share and don't mind dropping me an e-mail, that would be very much appreciated...
Posted by: Krista | 05 August 2009 at 10:03 PM
Gabriele, I'm writing too late, but nevertheless, belated thanks! I've got a basket of currants in my fridge now and I intend to try out your recipe this weekend.
Krista, well, as I wrote in my email, I think you can't go wrong with Sgaminegg, Kadó, and the Shy Chef.
Posted by: Berlin Reified | 14 August 2009 at 03:45 PM