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So gratifying to see your ingredients rowed and know you'll soon fill a friend's kitchen with the warm smells of baking. Buttermilk cake for dinner at Dilek's, buttermilk biscuits for a lunchtime playdate at Caitlin's. What better way to pass these last snowy January days than by the oven? (For a long time I used 550 flour when recipes called for all-purpose, now I'm excited about Bohlenser Mühle's 1050, which worked a treat on these two occasions.)
And for the first time in a long time I was compelled to throw open the windows. These pottery shards -- chosen out of a basket from my beloved Jutta Altenstein's Ackerstraße workshop -- fluttered in the gust of wind.
Jutta Altenstein Werkstatt, Ackerstr. 18, Berlin-Mitte (map)
Open M-F 2pm-6pm
Doesn't this light make all the difference? Even this plain corner of our bedroom is lovely. Could you believe it when the sky went all pink and blue at half past four yesterday? My brain feels like those kernels of grain exhumed from an Egyptian tomb, sprouting after millennia: I am full of schemes for trips and travel.