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A day in the country (Blankenfelde)


A bit sunstruck still, just back from Blankenfelde and its Tag der offenen Höfe. The open day itself was underwhelming but I was pleased to pass this facade bearing the typographic traces of a Tante-Emma-Laden; such signs were once so common in my neighborhood too.

After sandwiches and tea at Steckenpferd we wandered through the Stadtgut Blankenfelde. This former manor, now an intergenerational commune, had beautiful jars of rhubarb-strawberry jam for sale and a huge puddle for children to splash through in their Wellington boots. I loved the ramshackle treehouses behind the kindergarten.

Steckenpferd, Hauptstraße 35, Berlin-Blankenfelde (map)
Open Tu-Fr 10am-1pm & 3pm-6pm, Sa noon-6pm, Su noon-5pm

Stadtgut Blankenfelde, Hauptstraße 28, Berlin-Blankenfelde (map)
Open to visitors every third Saturday from 3pm



this sounds perfect - i've never been, so thanks for the tip!

p.s.: loving your photos, as always.

Kristina, thank you. Ideally I think you would make a day of it, taking the M1 to the last stop at Rosenthal Nord and then walking up that little trail past Köppchensee and through the Botanical Garden before arriving in Blankenfelde. Someday!

I'd like to make this trip too; it all sounds so perfect.

It was lovely wasnt it. You are right though. The open day was underwhelming. It reminded me of village fairs in the UK. Much better to look back on than to actually experience.

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