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What I’m missing/Off


Of course it's thrilling to know I'll step on a train in a few hours and step off in the Alps. I grow a little jaded, sure, but travel does still put the pink in my cheeks.

Still, why do so many exciting things have to happen while I'm gone? I'd love to visit a few farms during the Brandenburger Landpartie on June 12-13, perhaps swinging by Brodowin on the 12th to investigate their Hoffest. And I don't even know what to pick as a highlight of the Long Day of Urban Nature (the Langer Tag der Stadtnatur) on June 19-20. 500 events in 150 places! So will you go and tell me all about it?

Watch for news from Austria in a fortnight's time.


Dear Reader, should you -- like I -- be wondering what that photo represents, BR informs me that it is, quote, "urban nature."

have a wonderful holiday, sylee!

Yes, I'll do my best to go to those events in your absence. Have a wonderful trip, I can only imagine how wonderful the Alps are in this season.

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