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In the afternoon

The failing light keeps changing. Of all the corners in my flat I'll miss this radiator the most.


this is a lovely spot, i can see while you'll miss it. i'm sure though, once you have settled in, you'll find corners in the new place with magical light...

yes,this is a bit "Your corner" but you alsways find 'new corners'

Oh, I've been away too long and have missed so much. I'm now settled in my new place in Pankow, although there's always something you need. Funnily, I was so nostalgic and sad about leaving the place in Charlottenburg but since my arrival here, I keep enjoying the view over the chimneys with the sunset, the shadows in the kitchen etc. I'm sure you'll find new corners and make them your own. Beautiful photo as always.

You're all right of course. I'll write again soon with a new favorite corner in the new flat.

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