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Little Otik, Living Architecture & Feeds

On this gray afternoon I keep thinking of the rainbow-hued pickled beans at a friend's housewarming party last Saturday that Little Otik catered. Flavors to make your eyes widen are what this weather needs; an evening in Graefestraße may be in order.

Speaking of escaping, don't you wish someone would bring the Living Architecture idea to Berlin and Brandenburg?

Also, I'm finally creeping into the 21st century and now you can subscribe to Berlin Reified by email or feed (see link to the left). Still no internet at home though...

Little Otik, Graefestraße 71, Berlin-Kreuzberg (map)
Tel. 49 30 5036 2301
Open W-Sat from 6pm


It's the same weather here in NY. Blah. I have to drink double the amount of coffee to stay awake...(oh wait, maybe it's the infant, not the weather!) Hope you're well.

What is that building in the photo? Do tell, do!

EfB, I'm so excited about your book. Fingers crossed October is brighter here and there!

David, well, it's this building in Almstadtstraße opposite http://www.pro-qm.de/. I loved that stack rising out of the dull ivy-gauzed facade.

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