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Leaves & Bodies

Working, working. I walked past that same tree just now and this spray of leaves caught my eye: I was entranced by the progression of color from green to gold. I only wish there was more sun to capture it by.

Oh, are you curious about the Grinberg Method too? Quick, have a free twenty-minute session today at one of the many centers in Berlin.


Yes, just that very progression that can be spread across a single tree, making it look like a blend of Spring, Summer and Autumn all-in-one.

Thank you for leading me to the Grinberg Method, I hadn't heard of it, curiously, it is just what I need right now. I will be in touch, S. We are busy helping L. with her first steps, climbing the stairs and generally enjoying herself to bits.

Love, Jo

Jo, I'm so skeptical of these methods and fads, but I must say the free tasters I had on the Grinberg open day impressed me. More soon!

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