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Handmade/Fourth Advent


Lucky is the woman with a baker friend who'll give up an afternoon to help make Linzer cookies. Can you believe I was afraid of rolling out the dough? Her motto -- "Don't roll right to the edge" -- is a keeper. Now I've got presents for each of S's teachers, and my Christmas shopping is mostly done. But a Saturday stroll around the newish Eisenbahnmarkthalle might still be in order, to check out the Prinzessingarten's winter digs and Supermarché's Handmade Supermarket. Look at everyone who'll be there! I know 'handmade', like 'curate' and 'pop-up', is one of those overripe words, but the feeling of this event -- independent but not too cool for school -- is just to my taste.

PS: & the open house at Feast this Sunday sounds so nice. Pay as you wish buffet with Christmas treats and handmade edible gifts! Thank you Sugarhigh for this tip -- must get on Suzy's email list.

Handmade Supermarket, Eisenbahnstraße 42, Berlin-Kreuzberg (map)
Saturday Dec. 18 noon-10pm, Sunday Dec. 19 noon-8pm

Feast, Weserstraße 58, Berlin-Neukölln (map)
Sunday Dec. 19 2.30pm-9.30pm


I know someone who's a good friend of Suzy's and I'm keen to try her amazing cooking soon too. Love these cookies, actually Linzer ones are my favourites. I'm not good at making regular cookies but for some reason my Christmas ones come out alright.

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