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Outtakes from a stroll (Hermannstraße, Bergmannstraße)


I'm devouring Berlin in great gulps right now. I want to be everywhere, walking.



Don't I know that feeling?! I think though that in such a big city there will always be so much to discover. Wonderful photos, I especially love the first one. A walk around Kreuzberg and the Bergamannkiez has been on my list for ages.

It is a gorgeous day today.

must be spring in the air :)

more pictures pls!
i'm so going to berlin next.

Vanessa, I'll post about a ceramics shop I visited soon too. Such striking visuals on that long walk.

Suzy, Jonquil, your comments makes me long for that spring-in-winter. Google Weather says it's -4 right now.

Hearttypat, do come. Early May is usually magical.

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