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My copy of Oh Comely was in the postbox Monday morning. It was the perfect start to the week.
I have only one thing to say in response to Luisa's post on Pasam Baklava and that is yes. It's heart-stoppingly good.
Pasam Baklava, Goebenstr. 12a, Berlin-Schöneberg (map)
Open daily 10am-8pm
When we walked into her ceramics shop, Anna Sykora was playing the accordion. She put the instrument down with a laugh, and told us about her work.
So much I want to say but it feels impossible to talk about cakes and cafes as nuclear disaster unfolds in Japan. Photographs from the country have left me speechless with sorrow. As I type, the headline at Spiegel Online is "Löcher in Reaktorwand, Kühlwasser soll kochen".
I began this post on finding heritage seeds and seedlings a couple of weeks ago. The irrational joy that spring days sparked seems a little distant now, but the information is still worth sharing.
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