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3 posts from September 2011

Markthalle IX & Gutshof Britz


So excited to get this update from the Markthalle IX team. I'm very much looking forward to seeing how it all comes together, chiefly because two of the organizers are the men who do Meierei, which is, as you know, fabulous for the chilly weather we're heading towards. Speaking of which, I'm due for another round of Kaspressknödel sometime very soon, and if you are too, you should let me know. Also, has anyone been to the Gutshof Britz yet? I'm charmed by the story of a Michelin-starred chef quitting his hotel restaurant job to open a cozy country-style restaurant on an old estate at the city's fringes. Sunday lunch?

Markthalle IX opening, noon-7pm 1 October 2011, Eisenbahnstraße 42/43, Berlin-Kreuzberg (map)

Gutshof Britz, Alt-Britz 81, Berlin-Britz (map)
Open daily from noon

In the country


After too much work and whirlwind we needed a weekend away. S cycled through the puddles, befriended the farm cat and did her best to go down a slide that had been engulfed by an apple tree.


I thought Brandenburg would let me pretend Berlin had never changed but the people in the garden cafe were speaking Spanish, English, Russian. It's not a bad thing, of course, but it surprised me.

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A new season


Oh my friends, I hadn't planned a summer holiday but apparently that's just what I needed.

Life thrums with change. I have been editing books for Walther König, planning my contributions to Berlin Stories, translating a booklet for the Buchstabenmuseum and helping restaurants with their English-language PR, alongside my other work, alongside naps beneath the trees at the Haus am Waldsee and picnics in the wilderness between the oaks at the curiously unfrequented playground down the road.

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