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This light


I tell you the longest stories in my head and then I never write them down. Little and often!

Right now I'm chasing the light, enjoying our balcony as long as it's ours.

PS: Moving has got me a little crazy, of course.


Is that Federweißer? I keep meaning to look for some and then forgetting. It's practically the only wine I like.

Having moved earlier in the year, I can sympathize. But your new place already holds so much promise, and you'll be much closer to Margue and I!

My, that food looks tasty! Who made it?

only a little crazy? then you're ahead of the game!

You are moving again? Oh my! Is it still close enough to the Kita?


Wonderful photo! How I've missed reading your posts. Hope you're settling into your new home although of course it feels strange now that you're no longer a Prenzelbergerin.

Love how beautiful those last golden rays of afternoon sunshine are. We've been sitting out on our balcony every chance we have before the summer disappears for good!

is that a a cup from the ceramic artist that you used to live near? I have forgotten the name, Stephanie Scheier? I stumbled past her studio a few Christmases ago but she was closed and on holiday ... such a pity her work in her shop window looks lovely...happy moving, its never that bad and you will probably find some really cool things you havent seen in ages!

love this photo

ah, changes... hope the move goes smoothly!

You are treasures -- thank you for your sweet words.

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