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Valentine's Day fun with a marker; a half-hour at Double Eye with Stadtaspekte, a beautiful, intelligent new magazine about urbanism.
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Valentine's Day fun with a marker; a half-hour at Double Eye with Stadtaspekte, a beautiful, intelligent new magazine about urbanism.
The brown twigs jammed into metal buckets, which Berlin florists sell for a few euros, meant nothing to me for many years: I did not understand what those branches might lead to.
It still feels magical to live in a city and walk to a park where you can go sledding until everyone's cheeks are crimson and you can hardly feel your hands.
Do you have a favourite slope? Ours is one in Volkspark Wilmersdorf. There is a dell near Kufsteiner Straße where you can build up speed without careering into passers-by, with a delightful bump near the bottom that lifts a small girl into the air for an instant. The slope above is closer to the duck pond and pure rush-hour madness, but look, that makes it perfect for connoisseurs of the wooden sleigh.