Handmade noodles in irregular lengths with just the right amount of chew: neither gummy nor chalky. A golden broth. A generous handful of greens , more leaf than stem. Tofu marinated and slivered before joining the broth.
This winter I conducted a survey of Chinese restaurants in West Berlin. Each time I chose the simplest dish, a vegetable noodle soup, to see what each chef made of it. April now, and Tian Fu’s vegetable noodle soup* is my firm favorite, accompanied, for choice, by their fiery smoked tofu with coriander. Their hot pot, too, is rumored to be amazing, and is next on my list. (But don’t bother with their lunchtime buffet, all dessicated noodles, gluey meats and limp greens.) Afterwards you might stop at the shop next door to stock up on fresh corriander and curry leaves, and perhaps a bag of that still-elusive soft brown sugar.
* Be sure to specify handmade!
Tian Fu, Berliner Straße 15, Berlin-Wilmersdorf (map)
Ooh, Sylee, that does look good. Too bad I am never in Wilmersdorf by chance, I really have to make a special trip there just to eat Chinese food. But hand-pulled noodles give long life so it's worth it, I guess. Have you eaten East Berlin pulled noodles at Cocolo (Japanese ramen)? Very good. My own attempt at udon noodles that I made a few weeks ago when it was too snowy to go to Cocolo - not so good... Anyway, thanks for the tip and nice seeing you the other day!
Posted by: Leslie | 12 April 2013 at 04:31 PM
Agreed that this does sem like a trek, but worth it. And also heartily endorse Cocolo. Simple dishes, crazy tiny place, lots of love.
Posted by: ebe | 13 April 2013 at 05:42 PM
Yum, yum, yummy! I am hungry now.
Posted by: Suzy | 14 April 2013 at 11:54 AM
Leslie, Ebe, does it help to know it's directly outside an U-Bahn station (U7 & U9)? I do like Cocolo very much, and I'll be frank, their broth might be a touch better, but it's sometimes nice to be seated straight away, sit in (don't snigger!) comfortable chairs. And yes, the Plant Journal opening was terrific! Did you see Kristina's photos of the evening? http://nopennyforthem.blogspot.de/2013/03/berlin-ii-reading.html Must plant my seeds now...
Posted by: Sylee | 14 April 2013 at 09:08 PM
That looks so good. I am always looking for an excuse to get out and explore the west :)
Posted by: Ashley | 16 April 2013 at 11:29 AM
Ashley, while you're there, you might wander north for a stroll along Güntzelstraße, full of sweet little shops.
Posted by: Sylee | 19 April 2013 at 08:21 AM