84 posts categorized "Berlin Edibles"

Salt for the winter (and a bánh mì)

My inner ant, my inner squirrel emerges as autumn's chill descends. The other day in Steglitz I stocked up on spices for the winter - cinnamon, various chili peppers, nutmegs, and, more luxuriantly, two Hawaiian salts, one to keep, one......

Summer in a cup

Lemongrass, dragonhead blossoms, lemon verbena, currant leaves, peppermint, sunflower petals, rose petals, cornflowers: summer in tea form, bright and clear. --- Sommerland tea by Kräutergarten Pommerland, available at most organic shops and Karstadt....

Sources of heat and warmth: Tea seminars at Paper & Tea

Cupped in her hands, some Sejak steeps. The Korean tea, she says, is hearty. The tiny cup I drink leaves me alert, tranquil—sated. Everyone has raved about Paper & Tea, and rightly so. The staff I've met—the heart of any......

Adopt a hen (Bauernhof Weggun)

So you pledge €20 to look after a freerange hen raised according to biodynamic principles, and then you're posted ten vouchers for a half-dozen eggs, which you collect at the Markthalle Neun, where you also meet a friend and have......

Berlin bread: Weichardt Brot

No better place than a steamy bakery on an icy winter noon. We crushed in amidst the industrial whisks and trays of pralines to watch a woman form pistachio marzipan into eggs. Two men plaited dough. Herr Weichardt himself showed......

Pick-your-own berries & fruit in Berlin and Brandenburg

I've loved reading your recommendations of vacant lots -- keep them coming! Above is one of my favorites (taken at the corner of Sredzkistraße and Rykestraße a couple of years ago. Doesn't that one perfect apple seem placed by a......

Vacant lots & free champagne

I was at Mitte Meer yesterday, still located in the lonely urban wasteland behind Hamburger Bahnhof. This location is closing at the end of the month (10% off! everything), and I wonder why and what will replace it. If desolation......