Sun bathed the vast snowy gardens behind the Schloss Charlottenburg. The frozen river was melting, leaving the ducks dodging the ice floes. After exploring the playground at the northern fringe of the park, we retreated to the Brauhaus Lemke across......
The rice noodle soups, which Do De Li sees as their speciality, have that performative element one often enjoys. The contents of the little bowls are tipped into hot broth: the albumen in the quail's egg whitens, the shrimps turn......
me collectors room for a lightweight look at the childhood drawings of Berlin art darlings: Paperworlds. Volksfaden for their lustrous range of Spanish wools. Du Bonheur for pastries that sing of buttery perfection (the Kouign Amann and the monkey bites......
I was seeking tea to refresh me when P103 Mischkonzern caught my eye. The interior is cavernous, very restful in its incompleteness, still sparsely decorated, and for the first twenty minutes, I was alone. The proprietor explained they were Quereinsteiger......
That coffee can be contemplative is something I had heard, but only believed one Sunday afternoon when I poured myself a cup of Bokasso at Chapter One. (That Chapter One itself is tranquil and welcoming may well have played a......
Up til now, I knew the Tamil-run Raamson shop on Gneisenaustraße as a reliable source for white poppyseeds (which I hoard to make that dreamy Deborah Madison cake). When Zitty tipped me off to their new takeaway section, I had......
Summer tomatoes in the markets, and the urge to be outdoors is as intense as ever. It was lovely to be baked by the summer sun; now the cooler temperatures make idling at midday more pleasurable than ever. I am......